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Fueling Personal Growth, Fostering Success
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“Mindset is the combination of your value system, core beliefs, and emotional state that dictates your attitude and how you respond to different experiences in life. “ – L Mata

What is inner work?

Inner work is the psychological and spiritual practice of diving deep into your inner self for the purposes of self-exploration, self-understanding, healing, and spiritual transformation.

Mindset and inner work are the foundation of becoming a fully expressed version of yourself. This enables you to live in purpose and experience fulfillment daily.

As a mompreneur I will share why inner work and mindset are important to help build your heart-centered business and manage family life.

Committing to doing the mindset and inner work is important because:

  1. It helps you reconnect to who you are so that you can live out your purpose and have a happy & fulfilling life.
  2. Helps you build self-esteem, self-confidence and take action despite the fears you may feel.
  3. Helps you learn to regulate your emotions so that you can navigate family and business relationships better.
  4. Helps you manage crisis and negative experiences with more grace with a perspective of how can I learn from this?
  5. Helps you change old narratives and beliefs so that you can impact change for upcoming generations both in business and family life.
  6. Helps you become an improved version of yourself, show your true potential and be an expander for others.


One of the greatest challenges that so many face is living on autopilot.  There is no connection to who you are, where you are heading, and what is your purpose.  This is one of the easiest paths to living a life that feels unfilled and disconnected from your purpose. 

The starting point of the inner work is understanding that a mindset shift gives you the permission to explore who you are, what makes you feel expansive, and discover what is your purpose.

This is extremely important so that you can build a business that feels aligned and in integrity. It enables you to stay in the game for the long haul.


Having a heart-centred business highlights all your limiting beliefs, fears, and traumas. Mindset work and the decision to take a deep dive into confronting those fears are fundamental. It is necessary to help you take the messy aligned action that is always needed as a business owner.

Once you learn how to manage your fears, taking action becomes easier. Confidence and self-esteem are built through recognizing your actual abilities.  This rests on committing to doing the inner work to change negative beliefs & assess your value system. You are then able to understand how you can be intentional about creating long-lasting change at an identity level in your life.

Emotional Regulation

Emotional regulation is one of the most important skills that you need to thrive in life. This incorporates understanding your physiology and your traumas.  Exploring and improving your ability to regulate your emotions to a point of safety is critical to finding that balance between business and personal life.

Navigate Crisis

Victimhood operates from the belief that life happens to you rather than life happens for you. When you operate from that mindset there is a belief that you are unable to change your circumstances. There is a belief that you do not have the power to learn from the situation and make better choices in the future. . The goal is to experience a shift in perspective that allows you to see that you do have co-creative power in this space. You are capable of learning and growing from your experiences and then impacting change as a result.


All the beliefs you currently hold that do not serve you have been imposed upon you during childhood. They are also a result of confirming negative past experiences.  To develop empowering beliefs you need to address traumas, reframe beliefs, and bring yourself to feeling safe once again in your body. This is what inner work looks like.  You can then pass down your new empowering beliefs and ways of being to your children and share them with others in your life.

Be an expander

When you begin to shift the things that you believe, manage your emotions in healthier manners, and reconnect to who you are at your core an internal transformation takes place. This surely manifests on the outside as well. You get to be an expander for others and show them what is possible. You have now become a product of positive mindset shifts. When there is social proof people join in. The ripple effect created by the transformation of one individual is phenomenal. It automatically impacts the collective.

Mindset work and inner work are necessary for you to move from simply living to survive, to living to thrive. You were put here to experience joy, happiness, fulfillment, and live in purpose. You were also given the power of choice to utilize all that you have to create that experience while here. 

Listen to this podcast episode – How To Change your Mindset

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