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Positive Affirmations during COVID – 19

Why do we need positive affirmations?

An affirmation is a statement or declaration that directly impacts the quality of your thoughts. Firstly the quality of your thoughts directly impacts how you behave.  Your behaviors will affect your environment and results. Using positive affirmations during COVID 19 to cope is extremely useful.

An affirmation can be a negative or positive statement.

Many persons unconsciously have negative thoughts that they speak over themselves, finances, relationships, and experiences.

Once you repeat something negative or positive enough times, it becomes a belief.

The statement becomes your new belief or truth.

The subconscious mind will do all in its power to ensure whatever you believe to be true will reflect in your reality.

Thus it is extremely important to be very aware of the things you affirm daily.

Why are affirmations important during crisis?

COVID- 19 has created a global panic.  As a collective, we were all faced with greater fears and anxiety packed on our already existing personal issues.

Social distancing paired with all our social ills have forced many down a self-discovery journey. This self-discovery journey may have impacted your relationships, caused you to revisit your goals and dreams, recognize your shortcomings, and learn a lot about the people you have been spending more time with.

Some persons were able to find their footing as they pivoted in their business, worked intensely on their spirituality, while many are trying really hard to keep their heads above the water during this pandemic.

Here are some positive mantras that have been helpful during COVID -19.

These statements speak to confidence, business, finances, finding clarity and direction, and being resourceful.

Once implemented daily it will shape your beliefs.

  • Life happens for me, not to me 
  • I didn’t come this far to only come this far 
  • Use what you have now 
  • I am worthy even on the days that I don’t feel worthy 
  • I am good enough just as I am
  • Gods plan for me are greater than my wildest dreams 
  • It gets to be easy, it gets to be fun, it gets to be satisfying 
  • It doesn’t matter what I do, it’s the energy behind what I do that counts 
  • Intuitively I already know what I need, the answers are within me
  • God wants my business to be successful and to thrive 
  • What I have to share is valuable 
  • People need what I have to offer
  • The more I take care of my health and wellness the more money I make 
  • The more fun I have the more money I make 
  • I am a powerhouse of a business owner

If any of these positive statements resonates with you feel free to let me know.

You can also share your mantras that have been helping you cope during the COVID -19 Pandemic.

Check out my video that gives greater detail on changing your thoughts and beliefs!


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